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STRIVE Awards December 2021 & January 2022

Our STRIVE Awards formally recognise and acknowledge employees who have demonstrated our values of Integrity, Customer, Innovation and Leadership, and who have gone above and beyond their normal duties to make a positive difference to our people, customers and the communities we operate in to achieve our purpose of Creating Enduring Value.

Wilson Security recently announced their winners for December and January; HMAS Stirling Team, David Savieri, Lyndal Musumeci & Puneet Joshi.

HMAS Stirling Team: Manuel Lopez, Corey Williams, Steve Petley and Vince Quaranta

Western Australia

HMAS Sterling.png

Late last year the HMAS Stirling Security team were informed that children from a school camp had climbed up the rocks onto the causeway from the ocean. The Stirling team sprung into action commencing a search and rescue. Three children were returned when it was identified that a fourth child was still missing.

Utilising all the resources at their disposal, demonstrating excellent leadership and calm under pressure the team coordinated a search and rescue effort consisting of water police, a helicopter, and Wilson Security to successfully locate and rescue the remaining missing child. The team’s actions throughout the incident and into post reporting is a credit to them and their site.

Manuel, Corey, Steve and Vince were presented their awards by Captain Gary Lawton and Neryl Atkins (pictured).

David Savieri


In recognition of going above and beyond the call of duty to save the life of a member of the public at Geelong's University Hospital. While on duty, David observed a recently discharged patient acting in a manner that concerned him. He continued to observe at a distance until he realised that they may be in a dangerous situation. Reacting quickly, David intercepted and prevent them from coming to any harm. David has been praised for his quick thinking and actions.

Lyndal Musumeci

New South Wales

In recognition of going above and beyond her normal responsibilities to handle the surge workload while ensuring compliance standards are maintained. Lyndal has ensured shifts are accurately reflected in the system, facilitated timely payments to subcontractors and developed a solution to transfer shift details to speed up processes and payments. Her proactive approach guaranteed accurate invoicing for national and local accounts. Lyndal is pictured receiving her award from manager Jim Diplas.


Puneet Joshi


In recognition of his courage and quick thinking while on duty at Northern Health. Puneet responded to a report of an individual attempting to place two wheelie bins on fire near the liquid oxygen vessel at the rear of the hospital in an effort to cause an explosion. He wasted no time restricting the movement of the person to prevent them from achieving their goal until his team arrived. Had the individual succeeded there could have been catastrophic damage caused to a nearby patent building.

Congratulations to Wilson Security's December and January winners! 

Each monthly winner will be put forward for the overall Business Unit 2022 Employee of the Year Award at the end of the year.