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How do analytics play a part in supporting the value of security?

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Big data. It’s a buzz word that is here to stay, and for good reason. Referring to extremely large data sets that have previously been too complex for average analysis platforms, ‘big data’ now allows us to sift through huge amounts of information to identify actionable insights. It’s in these insights where the value of security service really comes into its own.

Until the advent of big data, security analytics focused on looking at previous security events to inform future strategies. Now, by assessing wide ranges of information, security analytics can monitor data in real time and produce new and predicted patterns that security providers can use in risk assessment, security scaling, procedure refinement and proactive security behaviours.

Using analysis for risk assessments:

In the past, security strategies and risk assessments were based on assumed knowledge of behaviours, past events, established patterns and the expertise of security professionals. But as modern threats continue to diversify thanks to advancing technology and savvy opportunists, risk analysis has needed to become more agile in its ability to adapt to real time and predicted threats. 

Modern risk assessments allow security firms to take insights from data analysis to address a range of vulnerabilities including:

  • Hazard and event risks
  • Operational and physical Rrisks
  • Technology and informational risk
  • Market and economic risk

The data that feeds this information comes from a huge range of sources, and has been fuelled by a few key changes in recent years such as:

  • Advances in cloud computing and its impact on how people, businesses and governments interact
  • An increase in the use of wireless and wired security systems and corporate networks
  • Increasing use of mobile devices used by organizations in the management of crisis response and crisis, individual safety and emergency response on company premises
  • Advancements in the technology of video analytics

Leveraging controlled access technology and security systems to fuel analysis

Cloud computing and wireless technology have opened an incredible opportunity for private security analysis to offer far more than simple security. By analysing data gained from access control infrastructure, security analysis can deliver valuable insights to businesses about their daily operations, traffic flows, vulnerabilities, emergency situations and procedures and much more. 

These insights enhance the level of service and ROI of security, giving businesses the ability to make informed decisions far more quickly. The range of applications for security data analysis is extensive, with every industry able to take real advantage of the insights available to them. This is especially so when there is an innovative and integrated security solution at play, combining multiple technologies such as video analytics.

Video Surveillance changing the game

The capabilities of video surveillance have far surpassed simply giving extra eyes to security. Now, thanks to advances in video analytics, security surveillance cameras also offer the opportunity to incorporate technology such as facial recognition and behavioural analysis. In addition to immensely improving security service, this analysis can play a huge role in business development. For example, not only can facial recognition identify suspicious individuals, it can also provide data on the demographics frequenting businesses or organisations, helping to improve service and security at the same time. Similarly, behavioural analysis can inform a retail business of shoplifting hotspots aiding loss prevention, while also mapping out traffic flow that can be leveraged for strategic merchandising. 

Scalable Security

The real value of data analysis, however, comes into play in facilitating scalable security. Data analysis can alert security services when behavioural anomalies occur. Not only does this improve security response rates, it also gives security services the ability to scale up your security strategy in alignment with business growth. 

Work with a company that leverages state-of-the-art analytics technology and processes to continually improve your business’ security strategy. Speak with one of the Wilson Security team today and find out how we could help protect your assets against the threats of tomorrow. 

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